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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Perfection is not possible

Perfection is not possible, even for God, a case in point would be one of the creations of God and that would be the house fly. A creature that must have super powers when it comes to avoiding a deserved execution, an ability that only a god could bestow. However I asked myself why create a house fly, the bane of all people... but WAIT, if I act NOW I will and did realize that the 'house' fly was most likely around when we were proto humans and we did not concern ourselves with fly's except as a light snack, it was only when we developed housing and subverted the flies natural order in nature thus the fly became a pest to be dispatched to fly heaven, totally disregarding Gods original purpose for the fly.

So I still stick to my premise that even God is not perfect... God created humans...

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