google analetics

Friday, May 28, 2010

Facebook, a personal exp

Facebook, a personal experiment in controlling their settings in a way that makes one happy. Set-use-change-set again- on and on it goes...!

The six month hiatus is over... making a signature cane

The six month hiatus is over. Wednesday, I entered the 'studio' and began work on some letters/numbers for a signature cane. I made a zero first to get things moving, it went well. Then a, one, it was good. Next, an S, nice. Then the disaster, the hard one, the M, two hours and then, disaster!... First number tomorrow will be a two and then the dreaded M and if all goes well I should have the first good cane in over two years.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

bound to nature, yes

bound to nature, yes
please, tie me up with a withe
feel the Gaian love

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sunday, May 23, 2010

First test at being nasty...

May 23, 2010
First test at being nasty...
How does one acquire readers and comments on a (-_-)ing bog? (I am speaking of mine of course) I am thinking of one way and that is to be controversial, rude, mean and take cheap oblique shots at not quite mentioned people or one may shoot from the hip right at the target person; got to love Rush Limbaugh, he is so inspiring.

So far My blog is a ('')-.-('') in hibernation, OH I know I should stick to hot glass stuff (I don't) thus making the blog more interesting to a certain group of people who may, may look in now and then to catch up with what is going on in my glass world. Maybe I should be more proactive and chatter on about the glass 'movement'... er uh no. Back to the wooden stirring spoon to mess with people.

How many times have you been on your favorite B Board and looked at the total number of comments on a thread? The threads with the most comments are the ones that are emotional, vindictive or overly argumentation, so I am thinking... OK, I think I will trash hot glass videos on Youtube: Here is what I am thinking... most the videos are trash! My first video was not so good, it was a bit blurry and wobbly. I should not have posted it and wasted the time of 12,000 people! Well PEOPLE a big majority of the videos I speak of are CRAP!

Next, details. Lack of content other than someone sitting there making something, these videos only have interest to people who have no idea as to what they are looking at.

Next: good content, very bad camera work, they are out of focus, camera waves around like the 'Videographer' is swatting at a  ^v^ flying about their head.

Next: Fine camera work but the content is horrifying in its (-_-)om.
Did I mention that there are very few good glass videos? The last statement is a big LIE!

Your turn... lets get it on   
                    Ò   Ó
                    ^|\  /\
                    / | | |                       
SHOUT back!!
Mike, off the get a |__|/ of beer, E

Saturday, May 22, 2010

an early PW studio button

an early PW studio button, app. 1 1/4" dated 1999. copper wire shank.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Making a wire shank for a lampworked PW button.

The following video is a how to for making a copper wire shank for a paperweight (PW) studio button.
Hope the sound track is not to scary. Posting the video here has caused some of the descriptions to be cut short, sorry. any questions contact me.
The following link has more information about collecting buttons.
Next is a page listing state button societies where you can contact some one to find a list of clubs near you. You will learn a lot at a meeting. Do NOT start collecting buttons, I repeat...

making a wire shank for a lampworked PW button a short video

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

computer, not today, Michelle on faceboook, how bad is my paranoia anyway?...

I set up a facebook account for Michelle; for starters she is C illiterate! When someone jerks the mouse at the same time as they click on what they want, well what can I say. Got to love her, she is trying.
   I have been stalling getting back to the non studio. Today was to be the first 'but' Michelle wanted me to stick around because she wanted me to run a couple important errands today.
   Been doing the invite thing on facebook, may as well, I don't post much.
   ... I DON'T KNow.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

a haiku

the path forward done
retracing steps, lots of fun
good day to be home

Saturday, May 15, 2010

hitting the mean streets

Well, not yet but I got it going on!

Dark places

Dark room
full moon
drawn blinds
hidden spaces
dark places
feared spaces
cold bed
a comforter
drawn knees
pounding heart...
...chirp, chirp, chirping
non reality
dim grayness
new day
no fear...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

a haiku

I like Poetry, I like anything that leaves me a bit mystified... particularly when I can not do (it) well.
   The following is a non response, response to the very first message I received in my inbox on

Nigeria, poor souls
I help money for you friend
at the gray bar hotel...Soon!

Monday, May 10, 2010

beef heart

Many years ago, in human terms, I boiled half a beef heart and remember the heart to be good. Yesterday I boiled another heart and it is very good. I even got Michelle, who purchased it for me at a locker, to try some and she did indeed like it even thought she had to add butter when she warmed it up! Taking a lean meat and adding fatness to it is well, ??? Now I have to convince her to purchase the beef tongue... it could be she was put off by the fellow who was purchasing a hogs head to fix up for his family and it did not help when I loosely described how a hogs head is rendered!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

just another delay today

   Been anticipating the start of my SSI on May 3rd but it seems that it will now be the second Wednesday of every month, hum... the federal government really is not a good decision maker, kind of like me. I will not be able to get a money order off to Frantz for the glass I need to make a signature cane until then! Then it will be a week and a half before I receive the glass! Psst!
   The weather has been good for working in the dumpy garage 'studio'. The working space is a three block walk from Michelle's apartment and unfortunately three blocks from the restroom too! Poof! I am going to head on over there in a few minutes and wast some oxygen and glass trying out some stuff I have tried to figure out by watching the very few informative glass working videos to be found youtube or as I call  it, clutter tube.
   I need to practice a new video for youtube... need to get a bunch of work done... so much... so little time to get it done, if the gods (pick one) they will get done.

Homemade Incandescent Lamp (Glass Blowing)

going to sleep to live

There is something wonderful about sleep, sleep brings intense dreams before you wake... remembering dreams completes life's reality.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A survivor

Most the stuff I have ever done I have tossed or sold, including my negatives, paintings, lost wax rings etc., sketchbooks and paintings, the painting pictured is a survivor from the late sixties it is a bit bruised but not dead... yet.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

networking and a tee shirt image

Networking... At the right of this page I have tried to connect all the sites I use for this networking thing. Why would I do this, well it is easier than answering the door or the telephone and this even extends to answering my e-mail. I can litter the Internet with my nonsense and then go away and let links do there work and connect me or not.
   Starting May 3rd I can start patching up the last four years...
Bye, Mike
   The img... a possible tee shirt...