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Sunday, May 23, 2010

First test at being nasty...

May 23, 2010
First test at being nasty...
How does one acquire readers and comments on a (-_-)ing bog? (I am speaking of mine of course) I am thinking of one way and that is to be controversial, rude, mean and take cheap oblique shots at not quite mentioned people or one may shoot from the hip right at the target person; got to love Rush Limbaugh, he is so inspiring.

So far My blog is a ('')-.-('') in hibernation, OH I know I should stick to hot glass stuff (I don't) thus making the blog more interesting to a certain group of people who may, may look in now and then to catch up with what is going on in my glass world. Maybe I should be more proactive and chatter on about the glass 'movement'... er uh no. Back to the wooden stirring spoon to mess with people.

How many times have you been on your favorite B Board and looked at the total number of comments on a thread? The threads with the most comments are the ones that are emotional, vindictive or overly argumentation, so I am thinking... OK, I think I will trash hot glass videos on Youtube: Here is what I am thinking... most the videos are trash! My first video was not so good, it was a bit blurry and wobbly. I should not have posted it and wasted the time of 12,000 people! Well PEOPLE a big majority of the videos I speak of are CRAP!

Next, details. Lack of content other than someone sitting there making something, these videos only have interest to people who have no idea as to what they are looking at.

Next: good content, very bad camera work, they are out of focus, camera waves around like the 'Videographer' is swatting at a  ^v^ flying about their head.

Next: Fine camera work but the content is horrifying in its (-_-)om.
Did I mention that there are very few good glass videos? The last statement is a big LIE!

Your turn... lets get it on   
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SHOUT back!!
Mike, off the get a |__|/ of beer, E

1 comment:

Kurt said...

Hi Mike,
Good to see you about.
Drop me a line if you have time.