google analetics

Sunday, August 1, 2010

ditched facebook and letting myself go

I finally dun-did it, I pushed "my" facebook account off the edge of the earth. I imagine the account is now stuck in some ethereal corner of the web where apps are still trying to be
annoying, bothersome and just plain stupid.

Now for wetcanvas;
    ya, it's got to got too! Trouble is, is that you have to have permission to leave, HUH, what's  with that. OH well, I asked and someone is now looking for the kill switch, I wonder if the search is pre-donut or post donut? Yummy, no not the donuts, last nights warm |__|/ I am drinking.

Where will I be on the net; right here on my very own soapbox where I can say pretty much what I want without breaking any rules... Rules... maybe I will break some politically correct rules like redneck dopes who are raising there ugly heads because of a black president and are striking out at anybody that is potentially vulnerable by spreading falsehoods across the land, IDIOTS, the lot of them and that includes Michelle's son!

Back to the subject at hand. The places I will be are listed at the right of this writing. These sites are for the most part not responsive unlike facebook, sites where you do your thing and what interaction there is on the site is not too important to ones future. I never bother with PM's or e-mail from these sites and as an example I received an e-mail from my brother from a poetry site, an e-mail that I deleted without reading. I even quit writing my stuff because of the e-mail; I am not much good at it anyway, just wrote the crap to see if one can get lucky and come up with a bit of good drivel. What I need to do is go check my accounts on these sites and stop any possibility of future PM's or e-mails. What a good idea, I need another |__|/.

As to you, the dear reader, take it or leave it. I have been a loner all my life... nothing much else one can do when the family, one can blame my father I guess, moved every few weeks or months. I did not learn to be socially adept until high school and that was so I could be a more acceptable loner. There was only a couple years I was bothered by other kids and the was when I went to school in WINTHROP Iowa, 7th and 8th grade, and believe me, I understand school shootings. I can not believe that people like YOU do not get it... OH, now I get it, YOU were the bully who was kneeing me in the crotch, pushing me down the stairs or just walking up with your posse and punching me in the face! Stupidity is the common denominator of most of us.

A personally designed gun...
[      ]========
         c             Where is a bell tower when one needs one!

I am off to sit on the edge of the earth and have a few words with mother nature and to see if I can spot my facebook stuck in the web.


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